Friday, 12 November 2010

Hello I'm a yarnaholic

I have a big problem and up till now it was getting bigger so I have enlisted the help of some friend on to help me recover.

I like knitting and I love yarn a lot as a result I buy a lot now I have enough to keep me going for years I do not need to buy more I cannot store more, in the knitting world this is known as stash, so here is my journey it starts today with baby steps but come 01.01.11. I will take full control.

Here is my 7 point plan:
  1. if I knit then it must be from my stash unless it is a gift for someone (even then it should be stash if possible, I can claim the full cost any yarn bought to make a gift once it is knit)
  2. if some one asks me to knit for them they must buy the yarn (I don't often knit for others as a rule)
  3. I can ask for and receive gifts of yarn (or money for yarn)
  4. I can give gifts of yarn
  5. I can swap or sell yarn (the money made can go in my yarn fund)
  6. I can buy yarn but it must come out of my yarn fund.
  7. I can earn yarn fund by knitting 1 pence for every meter of yarn I knit ( This is per finished item UFOs do not count if I finish a WIP I can count this for my fund) 
Now this is not as daft as it sounds and here are some explanations:
UFO unfinished object - things you start to knit and never finish
WIP work in progress, anything on the needles that you are paying some attention to after a while it become a UFO
Now here is the big thing the FUND
I have already made the commitment to go to Harrogate with my mother so there is no way I can go and not buy yarn I also have some Knit Picks on order (this is not available in the UK so in being imported from the USA)
My fund is £100 now here is the scary part I have probably spent more than that in the last month on yarn and yarn related products.
I'm not sure how the fund will last a decent yarn is £6-£15 and around 100-350 depending on weight but I know if I stick to this I will reduce the amount I have by a lot and that is what I need to do.
So feel free to follow me and support me a few friends are going to join me on this journey.
I plan to post with updates on my makes and buys and I might if I'm brave enough share some stash photographs but as I can't physically store my yarn in one place it will have to wait.


  1. This is so great! I was thinking of starting something similar with a friend of mine and seeing of my blog followers would go along with it! I take you up on the challenge! Great way to start your blog. :)

    I have a Work-in-Progress Wednesday and FO Friday meme with Mr Linky that several of us participate in. I find that it really pushes me to create and finish projects instead of just starting them and having a bunch of UFOs laying around. Feel free to join us (you can find out more about it on my blog )

  2. Great idea! I'd love to see a photo of your stash, so that I hopefully didn't feel as guilty about my own ;-/ Ros

  3. Thank you for you comments Tami I will look at your blog and snoopydog I have photographed my stash but it will have to wait till I have a bit of time to blog it.
